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Next Workshop: April 18th

Marketing and Social Media - How to Sell Your Art Online

Join our 60 minute workshop here!
Thursday April 18th 6-7pm
At Sequel Gallery in Geelong

(why not invite your creative biz bestie and come together!)

Thanks for registering to our event. We'll send out more information shortly!

Sign Up

This is a 60 minute session where I'll spend the first half providing education on the chosen subject (Topics requested by YOU!) and the second half working through a Q&A component answering YOUR questions. 

The session comes with a worksheet you can complete prior to the workshop to start thinking about how you business currently fits in with the chosen topic and to ask any questions that I'll then answer in the Q&A!


You should leave these sessions feeling excited to take these learnings and implement them in your businesses right away. 

I'm so excited to work with you! 


See you soon!

About me:

As someone who has built a creative business from a place of making no sales, having no clarity on my creative voice or direction of my work or my business, knowing no one in the creative industry and constantly worrying where and when my next pay check was coming from... to now working full time as a creative, working with dream clients on commissions, producing my soul work through collections inspired by my travels and ultimately building the life I've always dreamed of... 


I have spent the past 6+ years working with numerous business coaches and consultants to learn how to build a business that gives me a real income and is now an income than is more than I would have made at my muggle job as a physiotherapist... 


I am also in the unique position to have a business mentor that has been in the industry for 25+ years, has worked with thousands of businesses and is supporting me as I continue to up level my business to the next level, and that's my Dad. This combined knowledge from his experience, past business consultants I've worked with AND my knowledge of the creative world I've gained over the past 6 years, is why I think I'm perfectly positioned o be supporting other creatives to build successful careers.


PLUS I'm simply so passionate about helping others and doing this work fills my cup which if you've listened to my podcast before, is something that I recommend you prioritise daily to help keep you inspired for your creative work.


So really, it's a win/win/win, I get to fill my cup by working with creatives, the humans that I work with get to learn about how to up level their businesses, and therefore our communities get more access to creatives work that will inspire, enlighten and enrich their lives - it's a win/win/win.


I can't wait to work with you in these workshops,

Thanks for being here,

Nic x 



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