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1:1 Creative Clarity Session

A Get To Know You Questionnaire followed by a 60 minute Zoom Call with Nic AND a summary with clear, actionable steps to help you build your dream creative business. 

If you're someone who is passionate about turning their creative work into their career, who feels like they are doing all the things but is feeling frustrated they aren't seeing progress, or who is so uncertain of what the right next thing to do is that you end up doing nothing (hello procrastination!) 

Then a Creative Clarity Sessions is just what the doctor ordered!


For $190.00 You get to leave the call feeling clear, confident and motivated to take the next steps to build your dream career!


Hiya, I'm Nic, and I'm a full time artist and Mumma who has been living my dream of my creativity fuelling my lifestyle for the past 4 years, after reigniting my passion for creativity in 2016. 


Early on I realised that if I wanted my passion for creating to be the way I earned my income AND have the lifestyle I wanted of travelling, buying coffee's, owning my own home, then I was going to have to figure out not only how to bring my unique self into my creative work, but also the ins and out's of running a business.


Because the reality is it takes more then creating epic work to build a successful business. 


And yes, having high quality, unique and authentic work that stands out from the crowd definitely helps build that success, but without the foundations of business (i.e. building a secure homebase, structure and growth mindset) it will be really challenging to achieve that success you set out for.


PLUS the feeling of being on the hamster wheel, doing ALL the things and feeling like you're getting nowhere is exhausting. 


SO! Along with my 6 month mastermind program (Grow Your Art Biz) I've also created space for 1:1 Zoom Sessions where we assess where you are at in your creative business right now, and make a clear, actionable plan moving forward, for the next 3 to 6 to 12 months. 


The easiest way to feel like your growing sideways (aka doing all the things but feel like your no closer to reaching your goals) is actually not having a clear enough vision of where you are headed. 


Understanding what your true goals are for your business (aka why you're in business), how much time you can realistically invest in your business PLUS giving yourself tunnel vision on a few key goals, will allow you to stay focused, prioritise what actually needs to be done to see growth AND move the needle forward, so you can get one step closer to quitting that full time job or selling out your next exhibition.

Sign Up

Join me for a Creative Clarity Session where you will first fill out a questionnaire that identifies where you are currently at in your business, then we'll chat together for 1 hour on a Zoom Call, identifying the exact area's to focus on in your business and spell out real tangible action steps that you can carry out each week to help you make those creative visions a reality.


Feel lost and like you have no idea where to start?

No worries, after this session you'll leave feeling so clear on your goals and motivated to get started you won't know what hit you.


Or maybe you have too many ideas and are feeling burnout?

No problem, let's fine tune all your efforts into a key area and then see the magic unfold.


What's Included

A Get To Know Your Questionnaire Prior to our session

A 1:1 Zoom Session

A Summary Email with Clear, Concise, Actionable Steps for the next 3 - 6 - 12 months (depending on what you need!)


Book via the link below

About me:

As someone who has built a creative business from a place of making no sales, having no clarity on my creative voice or direction of my work or my business, knowing no one in the creative industry and constantly worrying where and when my next pay check was coming from... to now working full time as a creative, working with dream clients on commissions, producing my soul work through collections inspired by my travels and ultimately building the life I've always dreamed of... 


I have spent the past 8+ years working with numerous business coaches and consultants to learn how to build a business that gives me a real income and is now an income than is more than I would have made at my muggle job as a physiotherapist... 


I am also in the unique position to have a business mentor that has been in the industry for 25+ years, has worked with thousands of businesses and is supporting me as I continue to up level my business to the next level, and that's my Dad. This combined knowledge from his experience, past business consultants I've worked with AND my knowledge of the creative world I've gained over the past 8 years, is why I think I'm perfectly positioned to be supporting other creatives to build successful careers.


PLUS I'm simply so passionate about helping others and doing this work fills my cup which if you've listened to my podcast before, is something that I recommend you prioritise daily to help keep you inspired for your creative work.


So really, it's a win/win/win, I get to fill my cup by working with creatives, the humans that I work with get to learn about how to up level their businesses, and therefore our communities get more access to creatives work that will inspire, enlighten and enrich their lives - it's a win/win/win.


I can't wait to work with you in these 1:1 Sessions!

Thanks for being here,

Nic x 



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